Spesifikasi Medium Voltage Detector Forza 20 kV up 35 kV model FVD35 :
voltage detector 20kv digunakan untuk tegangan 6- 35kv untuk mendeteksi arus listrik tegangan tinggi.
speaifikasi :
1. panjang stick 1,5mtr
2. indikator LED warning light (lampu peringatan.
3. sound buzzer (suara alarm)
4. cover bag (tas)
FORZA Voltage Detector Model FVD35 detects the presence of voltage in AC An elongate insulation rod permits checking of high tensi circuits at safe distance for voltage. The equipment is com light weight, and easy to handle, and is also available for detection in low-tension circuits. Feature : Telescopic, compact, lightweight. High voltage detection. Low voltage detection. Self test button feature. Easy-torecognize indication. Waterproof. Fiberglass material.
Applications : Used for testing the power frequency Function of audible and visual alarm on the safe side. Working voltage range: 1kV~35kV AC….hold grip portion to detect.
Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz -Operating temperature and humidity 0°C~40°C Max: 80%
Retracted length 48 cm
Extended length 150 cm
Safety standards : EN 50082-1 EN 55022, EN 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-3
Carrying Bag : Semi Lather
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